Friday, October 8, 2010

Whose job is it?

"The college instructor blames the high school teacher, the high school teacher complains of the grade teacher, each grade teacher above first grade finds fault with the poor work of the teacher in the grade below, and the first grade teacher in turn is chagrined at the shortcomings of the home training. Must this go on indefinitely? Whose opinion shall prevail? Is it not possible to get away from personal opinion to an agreed-upon consensus of opinion? May we not replace the constantly conflicting subjective standards with definitely defined objective standards?" —Wilson & Hoke, 1921 1

Although Wilson and Hoke are discussing the need for national standards, the same idea can be applied to reading strategies and thinking skills. When struggling readers walk into our classrooms, what can we do to help them better understand and learn content?

Using reading and vocabulary strategies across the curriculum is a great way to improve our students' ability to read, think and learn.

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