Uno: Just a reminder to use a vocabulary graphic organizer in your classroom by April 15 to foster critical thinking skills and augment your students' comprehension skills. The evaluation form is a quick assessment that will help you determine the activity's worth and it will help colleagues learn from your experiences. You can find the graphic organizers and the evaluation in Faculty Shared: Reading Club: Vocabulary Graphic Organizers.
Zwie: My cousin Posterious has been browbeating me into using e-mail for Reading Club constituents. Finally, I acquiesced. Get your Reading Club updates via e-mail as soon as they are posted. Sign up on the right side of the blog. Get e-mail updates instantly! It's just that easy.
Duos: "...if you really teach a kid how to read, which is to say to infer, the student can then take that critical reading lens he’s developed and apply it in important ways to other kinds of materials. He’ll be able to analyze a ballot proposition or a politician’s speech. So in teaching kids to read deeply, you’re really sharpening their ability to read the world." - Kelly Gallagher, author of
Readicide and
Deeper Reading.
Gallagher's insight about the importance of reading bleeds into all content areas. The hope is that the vocabulary graphic organizers and reading strategies we are using in our classrooms are helping students think deeply, critically and independently in all content areas.
Gallagher discussed his thoughts about the benefit of reading across the content areas in a recent interview for Education Week Teacher Professional Development.
Read the entire interview.